The Cooking Gene: A Preview

In April of 1865 a seventeen year old house servant and his brother stood holding their Master's horse outside of a courthouse in central Virginia, when a bearded man dressed in blue and a bearded man dressed in gray emerged from a doorway. Within seconds their world as they knew it shattered when they were told …

To My Old Master: Decoding a Race Relations/Blog Hit And What It Really Means

So you've probably been reading, sharing and looking at this gem from 1865.  It apparently appeared in the New York Daily Tribune:  "Colonel" P.H. Anderson asked his former servant, Jourdon Anderson to basically come on back home and be his laborer.  Mr. Jourdan, dictating his letter, responded in kind: Dayton, Ohio, August 7, 1865 To …

African American Genealogy: The Cooking Gene As Contextual/Culinary Genealogy

I believe they call this delayed gratification.  I am not resting the same as I once was.  I am sleepless at times.  I don't know what day it is.  The television in the background provides a soundtrack of cooking shows, news programs, sitcoms and political punditry.  Every now and then my mind comes back to …

The Cooking Gene is Born

We are now officially a campaign.

Don’t Try this at Home

While the rest of my team happily sleeps away until morning, I have insanely elected to stay up and work.  Now please understand that I am absolutely insane for keeping such long hours these past few weeks, luckily I have no car so nobody is the worse for my blend of creative insomnia and micro-sleeps. …

Update: Thank You Ebony Hillbillies :)

Special and Heartfelt thanks goes out to the Ebony Hillbillies for allowing us to use their music in our video for Indiegogo.  Rique and I have done interpretation for several years on Pinkster Day at Phillipsburg Manor in Tarrytown and I had NO idea that he was one of my heroes until he mentioned I …

The Indiegogo Campaign Launches In One Week

It has been two days and I've gotten four hours of sleep.  No rest for the weary.  The Ancestors are working me overtime. Our Indiegogo Campaign launches on Wednesday, February 1, 2012.  Yes, the first day of African American Heritage Month.  We are posting the link and blogging the page here and at http://www.Afroculinaria.  We …

Calling all Chefs!

If you are an executive chef/restaurant owner in a city on our tour---please see the Southern Discomfort Tour page--we want to know who you are and where you are!  We want to eat and spend our money at your establishment and possibly cook with you.  We want to support local economies, local food and local …

Into another Country…..and into More Country…Charting our Journey

Alabama.....Russell County, Coosa County, Clay, Monroe, Tallapoosa, Jefferson, Madison, Jackson.....North Carolina.....Nash, Edgecombe, Onslow, South Carolina...Charleston, Lancaster, Virginia....Richmond City, Henrico Co., Prince Edward, Appomattox, Buckingham, Lynchburg, Amelia, Surry, New Kent, Accomac....south central Tennesee, western Georgia.... "Where?" in the South is not an easy question... I guess I have always put these places in some mythical category …

Food History and the Cooking Gene

There are four aspects to The Cooking Gene--Genealogy, Food History, Identity and Connection/Legacy.  The campaign to fund the Southern Discomfort Tour begins February 1, 2012 on  I encourage you to make sure everybody in your network knows about it and passes it on!    We want this campaign to be as successful as possible! Food …